The Cardinal Rules of Firearm Safety

Jun 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Articles

These are the same planet-wide. They make sense and if you follow them you will not have any problems related to shooting your weapon. Each of them is important, specific and not to be compromised! If you discard any single one of theses rules you will meet with disaster at some point in time I promise.

  1. Treat EVERY weapon as if it were loaded. ” Unloaded” weapons “accidentally” shoot most people. Go figure…
  2. Keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire. Most weapons do not fire unless the trigger is manipulated…
  3. Never allow the muzzle to cover anything that YOU are not willing to accept responsibility for DESTROYING. Do not point the gun at something unless you should shoot it…
  4. Be sure of your target, what is in front of it, behind it or around it. If you shoot at a target while someone is in front of it all parties involved will have a bad day…
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Article by Ric.


Ric has seen 18 years of decorated military service in the United States Marine Corps including earning the Combat Action Ribbon for Action during Operation Desert Storm He has over 20 years of varied civilian law enforcement in a variety of assignments including: Uniformed Patrol where he served as a field Training Officer, Mobile Tactics Team member, Resort Area Operations, Firearms Instructor, and is currently serving as a Major Crimes Investigator.

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